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Greek Coast Guard Cover Up Of Migrant Boat Disaster

Greek Coast Guard Cover-up of Migrant Boat Disaster

BBC Investigation Raises Doubts About Official Account

Over 300 Pakistani Nationals Killed in Tragic Sinking

In June 2023, a tragic incident occurred off the coast of Greece, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Pakistani nationals. An overloaded fishing trawler carrying smuggled migrants capsized in front of a Greek coast guard patrol boat, raising questions about the official account of the事件.

The BBC has obtained evidence that casts doubt on the Greek coast guard's account of the事件. According to the official report, the coast guard attempted to rescue the migrants, but the boat was too overcrowded and unstable to approach safely. The coast guard later released images of the crowded boat before it went down. However, the BBC's investigation suggests that the coast guard did not make a serious attempt to rescue the migrants and may have even hindered their escape.

A Washington Post investigation retraced the route of the trawler and found that the Greek coast guard had been monitoring its progress for several days. Despite this knowledge, the coast guard did not take any action to intercept the boat or warn it about the dangerous conditions. The investigation also found that the coast guard may have deliberately delayed its response to the sinking, resulting in the loss of many lives.

  • Over 300 Pakistani nationals killed in sinking of overcrowded fishing trawler
  • BBC investigation casts doubt on Greek coast guard's account of the事件
  • Coast guard may have hindered migrants' escape
  • Washington Post investigation reveals coast guard had been monitoring trawler for days
  • Coast guard may have deliberately delayed its response to the sinking

The Greek government has denied any wrongdoing, but the evidence suggests that the coast guard may have been responsible for the deaths of the migrants. The incident has raised serious questions about Greece's migration policies and the treatment of migrants in the country.
